Sacrifice…Slowly: How the Fund for Supporting Clergy Families Works

Helping those in need, especially widows and orphans, is a good deed. Unfortunately, scammers often take advantage of people’s generosity. Readers contact our editorial office with the question: “I recently came across a leaflet called ‘Priests Died’ with an appeal to help the widows and children of deceased clergy throughout Russia. Can its distributors be trusted?»

We contacted representatives of the organization on whose behalf the leaflets were published. Secretary of the charitable foundation “Missionary Center named after Priest Daniel Sysoev,” Liliya Kozlova, told how the organization works and advised how to avoid running into scammers in such cases:

– Your foundation declares support for the families of deceased priests. What is the point of creating such a specialized charitable organization?

«The widow and children of clergy find themselves in a very difficult situation. After all, as a rule, such families have many children. The state pays orphans a very modest survivor’s pension. For example, if in Moscow in 2015 this amount is 8,724 rubles for each minor child, then in the regions the amount of payment is several thousand rubles less. At the time our fund was founded, the amounts were generally ridiculous.»

– Widows with many children have similar problems. What kind of help do they need?

«Widow Matushkas, as a rule, live a quiet, inconspicuous life. They are modest and do not know how to demand or achieve. On the contrary, they are accustomed to living in humility and are content with little. ‘Ordinary’ large families often turn to various funds for help, but matushkas, due to their upbringing, are embarrassed.»

– Doesn’t the parish where the deceased priest served provide assistance to his orphaned family?

“Indeed, it is often the parish’s responsibility that should address such concerns. But assistance in the required amount is possible if the parish is large and urban. In this case, some mothers continue to receive their husbands’ salaries until the youngest child comes of age. But if the priest served in a village where the parish is small, there can be no talk of any help. Some dioceses pay mothers a pension, but its amount is small.»

-How then do such families come to your fund? Or are you looking for them yourself?

«We find our wards in different ways. Our foundation is quite well known both in the country and abroad, so they know about it even in the provinces. We found most of the widows on our own: our employees regularly search for information about deceased priests of the Russian Orthodox Church. Such information is usually posted on official websites or Orthodox forums. They usually don’t refuse help. Sometimes the widowed Matushkas’ relatives call the fund, and letters arrive from acquaintances or friends. In some cases, the Matushkas themselves contact us.

-“Obviously, it’s impossible to help everyone.” Whom, by what criteria, do you prefer?

«We work with mothers living all over Russia. I cannot say that we help everyone. It is necessary to soberly assess the situation: is help really needed? It happens that the widow of a priest is well provided for locally. But, if the Matushka lives only on a survivor’s pension and (sometimes) on a small salary, then the likelihood that the fund will take care of such a family is high. Priority is given to mothers with minor children — provided if the widows have not remarried. We do not set ourselves the goal of providing for all widows of priests with a financially comfortable life. Our goal is to help raise children and pull families out of distress. There are often cases when the spiritual children or friends of a living priest, with good motives, begin to call the fund and ask for help for such families, although there is no reason for this. Of course we refuse.

– Have you encountered cases of fraud in your practice?

“Sometimes the scammers pretended to be widowed Matushkas. As I said, we have a proven verification system and we catch deceivers right away. It is enough to call the diocese and ask whether the person indicated serves or served there (if we are talking about a living or deceased priest). If necessary, archival documents are retrieved within one or two days, and the truth is established. There have been such examples, sadly. These petitioners are blacklisted. And every foundation has it, and charitable organizations exchange such information among each other.»

– Our readers may also encounter scammers. What can you recommend?

«I would especially like to warn readers about caution when it comes to talking about a priest in need. The clergy enjoys special trust. Fraudsters know this and often use it to their advantage. Every now and then, advertisements pop up on the Internet about raising funds for some “sick hieromonk,” and often even Orthodox websites post such information without bothering to check it. Don’t rush to donate! Call the diocese, take the time to find out the truth—you won’t offend anyone. It is best to donate through official Orthodox funds: “Mercy”, “Man and His Faith” or ours.


Дорогие друзья! Благодарим за проявленный интерес к нашему общему с Вами делу благотворительности. Мы публикуем на нашем сайте действительно нуждающиеся семьи. Только после тщательной проверки документов и подтверждений достоверности информации мы публикуем страницу для сбора пожертвований.

Сделанные Вами пожертвования в Фонд «Матушки» суммируются в течение месяца и распределяются пропорционально для каждой семьи, исходя из количества несовершеннолетних детей.

Касательно просьб помощи детям инвалидам на приобретение инвентаря или лечения, реабилитации мы также требуем прислать список документов (диагнозы, справки, назначения, счета, фотографии, паспорта и прочие справки и выписки), которые внимательно проверяют юристы, подтверждающие достоверность данных и необходимость в открытии срочного сбора для ребенка. Фонд несет ответственность за достоверность публикуемых данных и за своевременную выплату собранных средств Благополучателю.

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