What are Matushkas silent about?

We often learn about some of the problems of our wards, the widowed Matushkas, by chance. It has long been noticed that Matushkas are distinguished by long-suffering: when some problem comes, many are patient and quiet, wait for a resolution.

“When trouble comes, open the gate,” so says the popular proverb, and not in vain.

You are already familiar with our mother Lyudmila Fomina, mother of five wonderful boys. Just recently their car broke down, and in just a week you created a miracle — the entire amount for repairs and replacement of the transmission was collected. Just one week! And very soon the day will come when Matushka will pick up the repaired car from the service center.

Yet, just now another problem came to light. Every winter, pipes in the bathroom freeze due to improper floor insulation, and as a result, the family is left without water for several winter months. 

The house where the family now lives was built back in 1952. This is a wooden barracks-type house, where no amenities were initially provided. The Fomins inherited the home from Father’s grandmother. The young people were incredibly happy about it, after all, they had their own home. The late Father Ilya himself built a tiny bathroom measuring one meter by one meter, but they were incredibly happy about this too: by that time the family had grown, sons were born one after another, and with small children it was impossible to exist without a toilet at home.

In 2019, Father Ilya died, and Matushka Lyudmila was left with five sons. In 2022, after a major renovation of the foundation throughout the entire house, the floors in the apartment and especially in the bathroom became very cold, and the pipes in the bathroom froze through.

Now the family needs another renovation to replace and insulate floors, pipes, expand the bathroom and, as a result, replace the plumbing.

So, we continue collecting for Matushka Lyudmila Fomina, now for urgent repairs in the bathroom: “strike while the iron is hot.” Let’s do two good deeds at once!

Matushka found a proven team of carpenters, all willing to discount their work, but even still the repairs will cost almost 200 thousand rubles.

We will continue to collect on Matushka Lyudmila’s card:
2202 2068 2102 1149

What are our Matushkas silent about? They very often remain silent about problems with repairs and housing, because this is a purely male matter. It is difficult to do without a man in the family and impossible without the funds. The more painful the issue, the less they want to discuss it.

Let us remember that good done for the sake of Christ saturates the heart with love, heals the soul from sin, and straightens the path to the Truth!


Дорогие друзья! Благодарим за проявленный интерес к нашему общему с Вами делу благотворительности. Мы публикуем на нашем сайте действительно нуждающиеся семьи. Только после тщательной проверки документов и подтверждений достоверности информации мы публикуем страницу для сбора пожертвований.

Сделанные Вами пожертвования в Фонд «Матушки» суммируются в течение месяца и распределяются пропорционально для каждой семьи, исходя из количества несовершеннолетних детей.

Касательно просьб помощи детям инвалидам на приобретение инвентаря или лечения, реабилитации мы также требуем прислать список документов (диагнозы, справки, назначения, счета, фотографии, паспорта и прочие справки и выписки), которые внимательно проверяют юристы, подтверждающие достоверность данных и необходимость в открытии срочного сбора для ребенка. Фонд несет ответственность за достоверность публикуемых данных и за своевременную выплату собранных средств Благополучателю.

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