Trouble Within the Home of Matushka Yulia Kurbanova

“When Father passed away, everything stopped for us,” says Matushka Yulia about her life after Father Nikolai died. Along with the flow of normal life, financial problems started. Their house, which Father Nikolai and Matushka Yulia had been renovating for many years, literally began to deteriorate, becoming uninhabitable. The family loves Father’s house, they maintain it as best they can, but the state of chronic lack of money does not allow them to do anything major.

At the moment, major repairs are needed in the bathroom, where not only all the plumbing has become almost completely unusable, but also the floors on which it stands are collapsing.

Matushka says that it’s scary to step on the floor. To prevent falling into the basement, planks are placed.

Father Nikolai served tirelessly all his life, restored the temple from ruins and, despite a serious chronic illness and suffering from severe pain, he came to his temple every day. The priest died in his church, right in the altar.

On that day, March 16, 2020, he went to clean the altar. There were no assistants, as always, only one: the parish was elderly, mostly old women. Matushka was waiting at home. «I became worried when I realized that the priest was very late, I went to see what was going on, but he had already gone to the Lord.» They buried Father Nikolai near the altar of the temple, and the family’s life stopped from that very moment.

Yulia and her late husband have four children. The eldest suffers from a rare genetic disease — narcolepsy, which is when a person falls asleep and can sleep for a very long time. Matushka recalls that Yegor, after his father’s death, slept for three days in a row. Because of this, Yegor cannot work; in Russia, such people are not given disability checks — another hole at the legislative level. There are drugs that rehabilitate such people, but they are not available to citizens of the Russian Federation. When Yegor is not sleeping, he helps his mother around the house. He started a vegetable garden, which he enjoys working in — this is a great help for them.

Another sonm Ivan, works in Tver at a construction site and receives only 30 thousand rubles. This money is barely enough for food, rent and repayment of the loan for an old foreign car.

The younger children, Alexey and Masha, are still studying. Mother herself does not work in the city for health reasons, and where can she go to work in the countryside?

This is how this family lives: waiting for God. A miracle and good people can make this happen.

We ask for urgent collections only when it is not just necessary or desirable, but when there is trouble and there is simply no other way out.

Therefore, we are opening an urgent collection for a major bathroom renovation. It is necessary to completely dismantle the old floors and all the old plumbing, lay new floors with waterproofing, install a new shower stall, washbasin and toilet. There needs to be new tiles on the walls and floor. It is also necessary to install a water purification system, since the water in the village contains a large amount of iron impurities, which causes rust to form on all surfaces with which it comes into contact, not to mention the odor and health hazards of this water.

The amount of the collection is 480,000 thousand rubles. You can view the estimate and help on the website:


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Николай пожертвовал 2500р. 13.07.2018
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Николай пожертвовал 2500р. 13.07.2018
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Егор пожертвовал 500р. 13.07.2018
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