On the health of Mother Natalia and her children on the anniversary of the tragic death of Priest Andrei Kashkov

Another year. Eleven years without a father or husband. Eleven years Matuska Natalia has been raising her children alone. Priest Andrei Kashkov died tragically on August 10, 2010. Matushka Natalya has four children left. The youngest daughter was born after the death of her father. Thanks to your support all these years the family has been receiving support from the Foundation. They managed to find their own housing. The children are growing up, bringing joy to their mother.

A letter from Matuska Natalia: «Hello, we are still the same. Our eldest son is in his 3rd year of teacher’s college. There were problems with distance learning. Due to the examination from the military commission he had to take a leave of absence. Anya is going to the 9th grade. In spring she went to Artek from the fund of social and cultural initiatives, as she was the winner of the contest «My family in the history of the Fatherland». The trip was free, but we had to pay for the tickets ourselves. If it were not for the help of the Foundation, we would not have been able to pay for the tickets, and it would have been much more difficult to live. Elysei was often sick in spring, even hospitalized. He is now going to the 7th grade. Vasilisa finished elementary school without fail and is going to 5th grade.»

Matushka and her children love to visit the quiet village church where the bishop served. This time she sent a photo with the children from there. They come there to pray in silence, to remember Fr. Andrew. There is always a quiet sadness. Time passes, the children are growing up and will soon fly out of the nest. This is such a life.

On the repose of Priest Andrew, he did not live much past his thirtieth birthday. He died as a result of a traffic accident. The driver, his acquaintance, lost control. The family lives in the Smolensk region.

How to help the family of Matushka Natalia and the family’s life story — click on the link: Priest Andrei Kashkov tragically died August 10, 2010. Matushka Natalya has four children.


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