Intercede for the widow!

Those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged are under the special care of the Lord. He will stretch out His right hand to relieve you from need, He will not abandon you in litigation, He will not suppress. “He will loosen and leave” their burden.

Why did the Missionary Center decide to support the widows of priests? The President of the Foundation, Yulia Mikhailovna Sysoeva, the wife of the murdered Priest Daniel, knows the answer to this question firsthand.

Having experienced the loss of a loved one, a woman is faced with a lot of problems that she cannot solve on her own. She urgently needs help, and if not in all issues, then in the bulk of them.

The main difficulties that the wives of deceased clergy inevitably face are:

1. Psychological shock from the loss of a breadwinner, often accompanied by a prolonged loss of strength, despondency and stress. Such grief is like a bleeding wound. Unfortunately, its healing may be delayed long term.

2. Confrontation with stereotypes about the wealthy behind-the-scenes personal life of the clergy. Not everyone understands that priests’ families can live on the brink of poverty, despite their neat appearance and unshakable resilience in the face of difficulties.

3. The widow remains with the children, who also need to cope with the loss of their father. Among the small family members there may be those who have disabilities. The question arises about education, preparation for independent life outside the parental nest, creating a future pious family.

4. Material and living needs and difficulties in providing basic needs. This is relevant for families living both in the outback and in urban environments.

A woman is not a man, not a warrior. During this difficult period, a burden that requires titanic efforts falls on her shoulders like a concrete slab. The Bible tells how the prophet Elijah lived with a widow and, through the power of his prayers, provided her with an endless source of food during a general famine. In the Gospel, one of the parables depicts a judge who “was not afraid of God and was not ashamed of people,” who was bothered by a widow with requests for protection. “Hear what the unjust judge says. Will not God protect His chosen ones who cry out to Him day and night?” No matter where in Holy Scripture we meet a widow, the Lord intercedes for her everywhere. And He also sees the hearts of people coming to the call of His poor daughter, who has been bearing her grief for a long time. One can only roughly guess what kind of friend then to God Himself can become for someone who kindly shows mercy to such a tormented soul. After all, the one who “gives drink to one of these little ones”, it is known that “he will not lose his reward.”

The families of deceased clergymen will commemorate their benefactors day and night. The prayer will also bring joy and smiles to the children from the favorable conditions that have arisen from the support of donors. Their confidence in the infinity of human good. Maternal gratitude, often accompanied by the words: “God help you…”

The Lord, leading a person to the needs of his neighbor, brings him not just to some one asking, but to a bright line. Helping the families of widows is happiness in itself, and it’s also a two-way happiness. For some, it is that life goes on, and hope in God is the surest and safest, for others — in quiet, unshakable and deep joy from voluntary sacrifice. The Lord brought out a pattern: “the giving hand will not fail.” These words concern not only material wealth, but also true wealth. We are talking about the phenomenon when a person succeeds in God. This is an incomparable feeling, like an intoxicating conversation with a soul mate after a long separation.

Widow mothers and their children almost always need help. They are looking for this support, and at the same time, sincerely and invisible to the eye, they can give in return what the successful will not give. In the “help — get joy” chain, the presence of the Best Transmitter is a prerequisite. The One who “arranges everything.” This is exactly the case when one soul helps, and a whole squad of other souls pray for it. In this case, the line of understanding of who does more good to whom is even blurred. But the Lord ultimately covers both sides.

In the process of creating the Foundation, many obstacles were overcome. God did not allow this good deed to be revealed at the wrong time, incorrectly, or with disastrous events. And now there are several dozen families in his care, which indicates the usefulness of his existence. Undoubtedly, this number of families is not all in need. However, life is much easier for them now. They know that they cannot stop believing in goodness. They know that it is God who provides care through people. They know how to thank their donors. They know what an endless and real “thank you” is.

There are different people behind the help provided. There are those who value their contribution as something due to God. These benefactors know that He has given certain talents that cannot be buried. “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break through and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break through and steal,” says the Gospel of Matthew (6:19–20). Other helpers include


Дорогие друзья! Благодарим за проявленный интерес к нашему общему с Вами делу благотворительности. Мы публикуем на нашем сайте действительно нуждающиеся семьи. Только после тщательной проверки документов и подтверждений достоверности информации мы публикуем страницу для сбора пожертвований.

Сделанные Вами пожертвования в Фонд «Матушки» суммируются в течение месяца и распределяются пропорционально для каждой семьи, исходя из количества несовершеннолетних детей.

Касательно просьб помощи детям инвалидам на приобретение инвентаря или лечения, реабилитации мы также требуем прислать список документов (диагнозы, справки, назначения, счета, фотографии, паспорта и прочие справки и выписки), которые внимательно проверяют юристы, подтверждающие достоверность данных и необходимость в открытии срочного сбора для ребенка. Фонд несет ответственность за достоверность публикуемых данных и за своевременную выплату собранных средств Благополучателю.

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