Archpriest Mikhail Kovalsky, rector of the Church of the Protection of the Mother of God in the city of Sovetsk in the Kirov Province, was killed in a car accident on July 4, 2018, leaving behind his wife, Matushka Tatiana, and their three children.

In the summer of 2018, Matushka received the distressing news that her mother had a malignant tumor and would have to undergo serious treatment. On July 1, Fr. Mikhail took his wife and children to Kostroma to visit and help cheer up Matushka’s mother. 

On the fateful day of July 4, Father set out at night to drive the nearly 375 miles back to his parish, but he wasn’t destined to reach his destination. Just as he reached the city, a terrible accident instantly claimed his life. There was no chance of survival—the car was literally torn apart. Every day, the family remembers their beloved father with sorrow. 

Matushka works at the church as a singer and Sunday School teacher, receiving just a small salary. She graduated from medical school, but couldn’t work because of the young children, and now she has to raise them on her own, with her son helping out around the house. They have their own private home, which requires constant upkeep and constant heating from the wood-burning stove. They also have some chickens and a dog. 

The children are growing, as are the costs of their education, clothing, and other needs. Matushka tries not to worry, but gives her all to give the children a happy, warm childhood. And they, in turn, delight their mother (and their father in Heaven) with their good grades, their musical ability, and their success in sports and chess tournaments. And the children have really learned to help their mother in this difficult time. 

Mikhail Petrovich Kovalsky was born to a priestly family on November 21, 1983. Ever since childhood, he had a very reverent attitude towards Church singing and dreamed of being a church choir director. Later, he developed the desire to become a priest. 

During his years at seminary, he served as subdeacon to Bishop Alexander of Kostroma and Galich, who was also his Godfather. 

Mikhail met his future wife Tatiana in Kostroma. She also came from a priestly family and always wanted to be a matushka. For her, there was no other purpose in life. Their families were friends, and Mikhail would often visit her family during his time in seminary.  

The young couple got married in July 2003 and immediately moved to Mikhail’s hometown of Sovetsk. He began his pastoral ministry in the Holy Dormition Church, serving together with and being mentored by his father, Archpriest Peter. In the nearly 15 years of his ministry, Fr. Mikhail did much to restore and beautify many churches, living up to the expectations of his father and the hierarchs. 

His church held Sunday School classes for both children and adults, and the students often performed concerts at the local old folks’ home. The children thus learned respect and compassion for the elderly and lonely. 

Fr. Mikhail was always cheerful and sociable with all children. He took them camping in the summer, had snowball fights with them in the winter, and played soccer with the boys in the spring and fall. He would never say he didn’t have time, but he was actually always in a hurry, worried about not having enough time to get everything done. He was busy with Church matters all day long, with a loving family waiting for him at home: Matushka Tatiana and his wonderful, smart, talented, well-mannered, and friendly children. 

Священник: Archpriest Mikhail Kovalsky
Матушка: Kovalskaya Tatyana Petrovna
Kovalskaya Galina Mikhailovna 05/13/2004
Kovalsky Nikolai Mikhailovich 04/10/2007
Kovalskaya Sofia Mikhailovna 07/13/2009
Место жительства: Kirov region Sovetsk, Friendship street, 43


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