Archpriest Sergei Apasev, the rector of the Church of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God in Perm, reposed in the Lord on October 19, 2020, leaving behind his wife, Matushka Nadezhda, and their four children.

On September 24, Fr. Sergei fell ill with viral bilateral pneumonia, and despite the doctors’ best efforts, he died, which was a great and irreparable loss for the parish and his family. Not only had Fr. Sergei built the church, but more importantly, he created a strong Christian community, uniting people in the unity of faith and love. He was a guide for all in the stormy sea of life, but now he was gone, and the people were orphaned. 

Father spent many years building the church, working literally to the point of exhaustion, never taking a vacation. Shortly before his repose, he confided in his wife that he was very tired. Those who knew him now recall that in the last months of his life, he gave various instructions and parting words, as if bidding farewell. Nevertheless, no one could have expected such a sad and untimely departure. 

Now his family is left largely without any support. Matushka Nadezhda has four children to take care of. The two older sons, Alexei and Ilya, and their daughter Elena are currently studying at a pedagogical school, which can be quite expensive. The youngest son, Nikita, is in 8th grade. Matushka works in the church where her husband served, though she earns a meager salary. The pandemic has hit everyone hard, and churches are largely empty, making it increasingly difficult to maintain clergy and employees. 

Sergei Mikhailovich Apasev was born on October 7, 1972 in Perm. The family was non-religious, and he came to the faith on his own and was baptized at the age of 16.

After serving in the army, the future priest met with an old friend and got to know his sister Nadezhda, who was destined to become his faithful companion for many years. The young couple got married just four months after they met. 

After his ordination to the priesthood, Fr. Sergei was sent to serve in the Church of the Unexpected Joy Icon of the Mother of God in Perm. Then he conceived of the idea that became his life’s work—building the Church of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God. He formed a community and in 1998 was appointed rector of the parish community of the Reigning Icon. 

But the construction of the church was neither quick nor easy. It was very difficult to find benefactors, and given the village’s history as a semi-closed communist military facility and the systemic separation from the faith, it was very difficult to revive the faint glimmers of faith in the souls of the people. 

But Fr. Sergei didn’t despair despite the difficult conditions. And now a beautiful church with blue domes stands in a once vacant lot, home to a vibrant parish community that strives to show Christian love in practice, helping the poor and orphans. 

The parish always provided meals for the parishioners after every Liturgy. Fr. Sergei served as a chaplain in a local military unit, and he would hold conversations with prisoners. It’s not for nothing that they say a parish is like its priest. Father was the kindest, most hospitable person, trying to feed and warm everyone who came to him. And those who came would stay in the parish forever, seeing how peaceful, warm, and calm the community was. 

Fr. Sergei was almost never sick—he had no time for it, though he did suffer from diabetes in his last years. His legs hurt from serving so often, but he never asked for a replacement or cut the number of services. He would serve 11-12 Liturgies a month and was always busy with various matters. 

This family is in great need of our help! 

Священник: Archpriest Sergei Apasev
Матушка: Apaseva Nadezhda Viktorovna
Apasev Alexey Sergeevich 02.05.1995.
Apasev Ilya Sergeevich 15. 07.2000.
Apaseva Elena Sergeevna 10/16/2001
Apasev Nikita Sergeevich 06/04/2006
Место жительства: G. Perm, st. Main d.100 sq. 37


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