Fr. Andrei Kashkov died in a tragic car accident on August 10, 2010, leaving his wife, Matushka Natalia, to take care of their three children alone.

Fr. Andrei Kashkov died in a tragic car accident on August 10, 2010, leaving his wife, Matushka Natalia, to take care of their three children alone. The fourth was born a month after Father’s death.

It’s hard to imagine how a young mother could survive such a blow, but her children and her deep faith kept her going. Matushka has been raising the children alone since then, enduring many sorrows and hardships over the years.

Things have gotten easier, but they still need help. The children are growing and new needs and problems have arisen, including the extra expense of paying for the children’s education.

The eldest son is studying at a pedagogical school, though he cannot live on campus because of his health problems. So, Matushka has to pay for his housing in addition to providing for her other three children, who are future college students.

Two of the children take music lessons. Elisha is learning to play the accordion, but so far it hasn’t been possible for him to get his own. They also have an old car that needs repairs, and this is all just a small part of what needs to be taken care of.

The family lives in a village in the Smolensk Province, and they are constantly traveling for work and classes. The children are growing quickly, outgrowing their clothes and shoes, and their state pensions and benefits aren’t enough to get everyone their school uniform, notebooks, and other supplies.

Unfortunately, the children are often sick, and therefore money is often tight. Sometimes they have to go see specialists, which means leaving their village to go to Smolensk, which entails additional expenses.

Fr. Andrei was the rector of a church for almost 8 years beginning in 2002. Over the course of his ministry, he earned the deep respect and love of his parishioners for his genuine humanity and tireless witness to the Gospel. Part of his ministry was leading the local deanery’s social service department.

Andrei Vyacheslavovich Kashkov was born on February 18, 1981. The whole family began going to church when he was in second grade, thus the boy’s formative childhood and teenage years were spent entirely in the parish, surrounded by spiritual teachers who saw the makings of a priest in him, though he didn’t decide to go to seminary right away. It seemed too serious for the young man.

Andrei met his future wife Natalia in the dormitory at seminary and they immediately took a liking to one another. Matushka recalls that it was love at first sight, and they were married while he was still in seminary.

In 2002, Andrei graduated from Smolensk Seminary with honors. A year after the wedding, he was ordained to the priesthood and he was soon appointed rector of the church in the village of Stodolische, where he served until his death.

Tragedy struck in 2004 when the family lost its second child in a premature delivery. The disaster only strengthened and united them, and they endured the terrible pain together. Their daughter Anna was born two years later.

Fr. Andrei greatly loved children, not only his own, and he organized a Sunday School as soon as they got to the parish.

He was always sensitive to the misfortune of others, and he always seemed to be on the move, helping people however he could. Fr. Andrei solved many problems for his infirm and lonely elderly parishioners.

The church also needed repairs, especially the dilapidated roof, and Fr. Andrei had to ask many people to find the funds to fix it. The roof wasn’t just replaced, but a dome and bell tower were also erected, as the building was an old store that had been converted into a church.

Fr. Andrei was known to be amazingly disinterested in acquiring material wealth and possessions. He never took money from the elderly and lonely, but always treated them as a father and guide. People still remember the kindness of their young priest and always visit his grave.

Late in the evening on August 10, 2010, Fr. Andrei was returning home after a busy day. In the morning, he had been in Smolensk for the feast of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, and in the afternoon, he had gone to visit some parishioners.

For some unknown reason, the driver lost control of the car and crashed into a tree. The passenger’s side, where Father was sitting, bore the brunt of the impact.

Fr. Andrei was dead before doctors could even arrive.


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