Fr. Alexei Tretyakov reposed on April 27, 2013, leaving his wife, Matushka Zoya, alone with five children in far-off, harsh Siberia.

Fr. Alexei Tretyakov reposed on April 27, 2013, leaving his wife, Matushka Zoya, alone with five children in far-off, harsh Siberia.

The two older sons now live in Fr. Alexei’s hometown of Kansk in Krasnoyarsk Krai, studying at a vo-tech school. They share an apartment, each paying for half, though of course they don’t have enough money to get by.

Matushka lives with the three younger children in their own apartment in the small town of Uzhur in Krasnoyarsk Krai. Utility costs are very high, and the apartment itself needs to be renovated, having fallen into disrepair over the last seven years without the head of the family.

Matushka humbly works at church as a choir director and prosphora baker. Her salary is very meager, especially now, during the pandemic. Her three young daughters are in school, and Matushka has to bear the costs alone, including for food, class funds, team uniforms, and art supplies, as well as for their additional lessons, which are very expensive. She has to deny the family many things just to get by in the current situation. The girls also have poor eyesight, but Matushka is unable to buy them new glasses.

The daughters also go to Sunday School and Orthodox catechetical lessons and sing in an Orthodox youth choir. The whole family goes to church by bus every Sunday. But buses come very rarely on weekends, and they all dream of being able to buy a family car.

Matushka Zoya is always very humble about her needs, never asking for anything or complaining, but without our help, they won’t survive.

Fr. Alexei Tretyakov was born on December 10, 1977. He served in the altar at Christ the Savior Church in Kanska together with his brother from the age of 9. He fell in love with the Divine services and the prayerful environment in church as a young child, and he began to dream of becoming a priest.

In 1996, Alexei graduated from high school and immediately entered the Tobolsk Theological Seminary. There he met his future wife Zoya who was studying in the choir director’s department. Years before, they had been parishioners of the same church, and now they met again and decided to bear their cross of service to God together.

They got married after the third year of seminary, on July 19, 1988, and on October 18 of the same year, Alexei was ordained to the diaconate. On Pascha of the same year, he was ordained to the priesthood.

It seemed that nothing could darken the lives of the happy couple. There was peace and mutual understanding in the family, and the birth of two sons brought them only joy. Most importantly, both spouses were engaged in what they saw as the most important thing in life: selfless service to God.

However, three years later, Father suddenly began to have convulsions, during which his blood would rise to critical levels and he would lose consciousness. He went to the hospital every time, but he never got better and the doctors couldn’t determine the cause.

At the same time, Fr. Alexei was appointed rector of the Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov in the village of Sayansky, 125 miles from Krasnoyarsk. The family arrived at the parish on June 10, 2004.

Things were very hard for the young family in this new place. There was no church as such, just an adapted laundromat. They had no place to live, so they had to spend the night in the church. There was no one to sing, so Matushka Zoya began to teach the local babushkas.

During this trying time, Fr. Alexei’s condition worsened, and being rector was soon beyond his strength. It was only in 2007 that he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, but despite this serious illness, he didn’t give up his pastoral work altogether. He had four surgeries beginning that year, but they provided only temporary relief. The sickness continued its devastating effects.

Matushka Zoya was always a great source of strength for Fr. Alexei. They had a successful family life, and Matushka calls their marriage “14 years of happiness,” during which the Lord blessed the couple with five children.

In the last months of his illness, when he was bedridden, people whom Fr. Alexei had once supported, guided, and comforted, now came to visit and support him every day.

On April 27, 2013, the earthly path of this beloved pastor came to an end, as Fr. Alexei departed to the Lord.

May the Lord grant rest to the soul of Archpriest Alexei in the mansions of the righteous.

 Из рубрики «Вы помогли»:

Летний отдых 2014 в пансионате «Кристалл» (3 сентября 2014 г.)

Священник: Fr. Alexei Tretyakov
Матушка: Matushka Zoya Tretyakova
Место жительства: The Krasnoyarsk Territory, ZATO village Solnechny, Russia.


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