Cutie Elya

Today we have Matushka Marianna Kosolapova from Anapa and her children taking part in the Christmas marathon! Matushka has five of them. She herself is a talented artist, very kind, and modest. Having written this letter, she asked for a gift only for the youngest: Elizabeth.
Her family calls her Elya—a special girl, loved by all family members:

“I decided to take part in the marathon for the first time. At the moment there are 4 minor children in my family. The youngest, Elizabeth, is 10 years old. She has cerebral palsy. She is a very bright and sweet child. We call her “cutie.” She does not speak and will not be able to say or write what she would like, but she is happy with any gift.

To make her happy, my children annually organize a performance for her, and on New Year’s Eve they dress up as Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. They bring her gifts that they themselves prepare for her and find a lot of joy for themselves in this. Christmas is a bright holiday, a holiday of miracles, and I want there to be a little more light and love in the world.

This marathon is another reason for me to thank the kind people who help the Mothers and Children Foundation and giving help to the families of this foundation. If anyone wants to give a gift to Elizabeth, we will gladly and gratefully accept it. Elizabeth and I will also give a surprise gift in return — it will be heart-felt.”

Let us remind you about this family: on March 22, 2017, after an accident, the rector of the Church of the Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth in Megion, Khanty-Mansi diocese, Priest Dimitry Kosolapov, reposed in the Lord. This left the Mashkua and five children all alone.

Friends who want to give a gift to cutie Ela (and she loves handbags, the rest of the children will be happy to receive one board game for everyone of the Catan type) we remind you: leave any message, for example, “I want to give a gift” or just the word “gift”, then write to direct that you want to give just such a gift. Then, we will send you mother’s address, and you yourself will send it to the address.

Having sent a gift, please be sure to inform us that the gift has been sent. This is necessary so that there are no overlaps and that the child is not left without a gift. If you change your mind or cannot send a gift, then be sure to let us know so that we can pass on these children to others who wish to do so.


Дорогие друзья! Благодарим за проявленный интерес к нашему общему с Вами делу благотворительности. Мы публикуем на нашем сайте действительно нуждающиеся семьи. Только после тщательной проверки документов и подтверждений достоверности информации мы публикуем страницу для сбора пожертвований.

Сделанные Вами пожертвования в Фонд «Матушки» суммируются в течение месяца и распределяются пропорционально для каждой семьи, исходя из количества несовершеннолетних детей.

Касательно просьб помощи детям инвалидам на приобретение инвентаря или лечения, реабилитации мы также требуем прислать список документов (диагнозы, справки, назначения, счета, фотографии, паспорта и прочие справки и выписки), которые внимательно проверяют юристы, подтверждающие достоверность данных и необходимость в открытии срочного сбора для ребенка. Фонд несет ответственность за достоверность публикуемых данных и за своевременную выплату собранных средств Благополучателю.

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Николай пожертвовал 2500р. 13.07.2018
Влад пожертвовал 4300р. 13.07.2018
Сергей пожертвовал 2500р. 13.07.2018
Вячеслав пожертвовал 1200р. 13.07.2018
Егор пожертвовал 500р. 13.07.2018
Александр пожертвовал 70р. 13.07.2018
Олег пожертвовал 500р. 13.07.2018
Сергей пожертвовал 1500р. 13.07.2018
Максим пожертвовал 200р. 13.07.2018
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