Mukhacheva Update: January 2021

November 17 is the next anniversary of the repose of Archdeacon Michael Mukhachev.

Matushka Elena lives alone with her two teenage daughters. She thanks our donors every day for their help. Without the help of kind people, over the years, they could not have managed.

On November 17, 2012, at five o’clock in the evening, Saturday, Father Michael passed away in an Israeli clinic, as if he had gone to service, to his now heavenly service. On the day of his heavenly patron saint Archistratigus Michael, the body of his dear and beloved father and husband flew over the Holy Land and was taken to Kostroma. Father Michael was buried next to the church where he finished his ministry, the Resurrection Cathedral.

During 6 years of illness, Father Michael underwent many courses of chemotherapy and irradiation of the head. Father Michael Mukhachev was one of those zealous servants of the Lord, about whom they say: «There are few of them.» He came to faith at an advanced age. After graduating from high school, Mikhail wanted to realize his dream of wearing a military uniform, but the Lord called him to another army — the spiritual army. The young, energetic and responsible minister gained the respect and trust of both parishioners and clergy. Fr. Michael did not take the priestly ministry, until the end of his days he was a deacon, and later a protodeacon. Kind, sympathetic, sincere, possessing an exceptional love for people, he was preaching Christ with his way of life.

We ask for prayers for the repose of Archdeacon Michael and the strengthening in health of his family, Matushka Elena, Barbara and Sophia.

How to help this family and a detailed history see the link on their page:


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Николай пожертвовал 2500р. 13.07.2018
Влад пожертвовал 4300р. 13.07.2018
Сергей пожертвовал 2500р. 13.07.2018
Вячеслав пожертвовал 1200р. 13.07.2018
Егор пожертвовал 500р. 13.07.2018
Александр пожертвовал 70р. 13.07.2018
Олег пожертвовал 500р. 13.07.2018
Сергей пожертвовал 1500р. 13.07.2018
Максим пожертвовал 200р. 13.07.2018
Виталий пожертвовал 100р. 13.07.2018