Financial Policy

The Charitable Foundation «Mothers and Children» carries out its activities with the help of donations from individuals and legal entities to the Foundation’s account through various payment systems and bank transfers.

All funds received by the Foundation are allocated to several items of expenditure:

1. Targeted use of funds (Aid to sick children, other urgent collections).

2. Statutory purposes of the Foundation: — Project «Matushkas» (the Matushka Fund)

— Commission of payment systems

— Administrative expenses

The «Targeted Use of Funds» means that 80% to 100% of the amount received by the Beneficiary is used directly to fulfill his/her request.

If in the process of providing assistance to the Foundation a amount of assistance is decreased or increased, the amount specified in the collection of assistance is changed according to the new circumstances.

If, at the end of the collection of funds, they become unnecessary to the Beneficiary for any reason (refusal for any reason, the possibility of receiving assistance on a free basis, death, etc.) and the funds remain unspent, the Foundation publishes a news item in which it notifies the donors that they may apply in any form for a refund of the donation within three business days. All funds that have not been requested back are transferred to the statutory purposes of the Foundation and can also be added to the Targeted Use of Funds (term fees).

According to paragraph 3 of the Federal Law of 11.08.1995 N 135-FZ (ed. 05.05.2014) «On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations,» the Foundation has the right to use for staff remuneration and administrative expenses up to 20% of the amount of donations received for the program.

In all cases of assistance to the Foundation’s ward from 3 to 20% of the amount of the collection, according to the legislation, goes to the Foundation’s Statutory needs.

The funds received for the Statutory Fund shall be spent as follows:

1. The Fund takes upon itself to cover the commission of payment systems. As a rule, this commission is from 2-3% (Sberbank, Yandex money, Web-money, PayPal) and 5% when withdrawing funds through the system «Robokassa.»

2. Administrative expenses of the Fund: staff salaries, accounting fees, legal fees, consumables necessary for the work of the Fund, and etcetera.

3. Funds received for the statutory purposes of the Foundation that are not used to pay administrative expenses and the Foundation’s employees, go to the «Matuska’s Fund».

  «The Matushka Fund»

Since September 2010, this fund named in honor of Priest Daniel Sysoev began its work to help the widows and orphans of deceased priests. Since then, the lives of mothers and their children have become much better, but they still continue to need our support.

For 8 years we have developed a system of support for our mothers as follows: 10,000 rubles per month for one minor child as well as young students still living in the family, especially daughters, because they have almost no opportunity to receive outside income otherwise.

In this way, each mother receives the appropriate amount of support depending on the number of children. Therefore, all donations to the Matushkas (widows of deceased priests) are summarized and distributed at the end of each calendar month in the manner described above. If a Benefactor makes a donation to the «Matushka Fund,» her or his name is published in the list of donors regardless of which deceased priest’s family he made the donation to. Each Matushka Fund profile records the total amount raised for the current month and the list of Benefactors who have contributed to the Matushka Fund.

At the end of each year, we provide a financial report under the Matuska Fund project and for each urgent collection (Aid to Children).

News about matushki and families
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Николай пожертвовал 2500р. 07.13.2018
Влад пожертвовал 4300р. 13.07.2018
Сергей пожертвовал 2500р. 13.07.2018
Вячеслав пожертвовал 1200р. 13.07.2018
Егор пожертвовал 500р. 13.07.2018
Александр пожертвовал 70р. 13.07.2018
Олег пожертвовал 500р. 13.07.2018
Сергей пожертвовал 1500р. 13.07.2018
Максим пожертвовал 200р. 13.07.2018
Виталий пожертвовал 100р. 13.07.2018
Николай пожертвовал 2500р. 13.07.2018
Влад пожертвовал 4300р. 13.07.2018
Сергей пожертвовал 2500р. 13.07.2018
Вячеслав пожертвовал 1200р. 13.07.2018
Егор пожертвовал 500р. 13.07.2018
Александр пожертвовал 70р. 13.07.2018
Олег пожертвовал 500р. 13.07.2018
Сергей пожертвовал 1500р. 13.07.2018
Максим пожертвовал 200р. 13.07.2018
Виталий пожертвовал 100р. 13.07.2018
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